About Us - Morecambe Deaf Friendly FC

Morecambe Deaf Friendly FC is a football club set up to enable deaf kids aged 8-16 to play football with other deaf kids. We train most Friday nights 7-8pm during the season in the (indoor) sports hall at Lancaster and Morecambe College.

We have entered under-12 and under-16 teams in the last three NDCS football tournaments and are participating in training/matches in the north west with other youth deaf teams in the area (Deaf Friendly Football Festivals North West - DeaFFF NW)

Deaf Friendly Football Festvals NW (DeafFFF - NW)
Deaf Friendly Football Festvals NW (DeafFFF - NW)
Deaf Friendly Football Festvals NW (DeafFFF - NW))

We have been training together since 2010 and welcome anyone aged 8-16 to join us. All abilities are welcome, as are a friend or hearing brothers and sisters.

Our subs (2014-15) are £2.50 per week, or £60.00 per season (25 weeks payable at the start of the season).